5 Qualities of a Good Logo 4&5: Relatability & Memorability

It’s been song long since I’ve blogged on these topics that I have decided to roll the last two into one brief post and move on to my next project.

Having a logo or symbol that is relatable is a big deal in order to better reach your clientele. Your symbol or mark should be recognizable to the group you’re trying to reach. Let’s say, for a moment, that there is a food company who has a logo which is a picture of a hot dog. If they are trying to expand to a new region or culture that has never heard of a hot dog, their new clients will not have any idea what the symbol is or what it means to them. It would be in the best interest of the company to consider re-branding with a more universal symbol to reach their new market. You could think that your logo is the most clever thing that has ever been considered but if it does not read with your intended audience, all of the meaning, thought, and concept behind your logo is for nothing.

Consider the billboard. How long does it take to pass a billboard when you’re driving on the highway? Roughly 3 seconds. That’s the amount of time that you have for your logo to have an affect on someone. If someone has to sit and study your logo for an extended period of time then it will be lost in the sea of media that inundates everyone, everyday. As a designer, you’re up against the challenge of competing with every other form of media for the attention of your audience. You have to recognize this fact and be conscious of it as you design in order to solve this problem. If you can take the other four qualities of a good logo and use them together effectively, they will have this fifth quality. Keep it simple, make it recognizable, allow it to be versatile, and let it relate to your market and you will have something that can be remembered.

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