The Problem with Dribbble Culture

I recently read an article about what they called “Dribbble Culture.” For the uninitiated, is a website where designers can post all or a small portion of something they’re working on for critique or just to show off. Or that’s what it is supposed to be, in theory.

Before I really get in to this, I feel like I need to preface things by saying that I like Dribbble. If employed properly, it can be a great resource for designers. It would probably be a better tool if no one else could rate specific designs. The whys of that I will, hopefully, explain later.

The point of the article, a point I agree with, is that the social community of Dribbble places the emphasis on the wrong thing when it comes to critiquing and rating design. How does this come about? The thing about Dribbble is that you have to be invited to be able to post your work and the invitations come from the people who are already approved, active members of the site. In doing that, the site creates a sort of class system that lends itself to the formation of this culture. You have to comment and review in order to get attention and increase the likelihood of receiving an invite. Moreover, you get the impression that you have to leave positive, or even flattering, comments because whether or not you get the invitation is in the hands of the people you are commenting on. It’s hard to be really critical in this sort of situation.

Moreover, the only thing you ever get to see is a screenshot or a portion of a screenshot of the design you’re looking at. You have no idea of how the design actually works in context or if it meets the goals of the client. This means that any critique that could be made is superficial. Now, there is something to be said for aesthetic critiques. One of the biggest problems that you have to solve, as a designer, is getting someone to look at your design and to keep them looking. Aesthetics are important but it can only take a piece so far in terms of how well it can accomplish the desired goals. When you boil the entire issue down, you’re left with a community of individuals offering overwhelmingly positive but superficial critiques in an attempt to “make friends” with the people they are critiquing in order to get an invite so they can be a part of something. It is potentially damaging and manufactures trends based on community interest instead of proven theory and concept.

So, then, if an environment that is built around vastly positive, superficial comments is harmful to design, what do we need to do to fix it? In the case of Dribbble, I feel it would be much more beneficial to have a forum where one could present case studies of the work, instead of a small screenshot. Then the work would be better represented in context and would offer more insight as to why decisions were made. Moreover, get rid of the “like” button. I realize that it’s the hip, social thing to do now (thanks Facebook) but the like button is totally non-committal. A “like” button can be clicked with very little motivation or forethought and should not really be used as a metric for how good something actually is in the real world. If you couple that with a third-party “jury” type system that distributed the invites based on quality content in comments/critiques, you would have a much better system for a design community site like Dribbble.

Again, I should say, that I like Dribbble. I like to peruse the different work that is out there and just “ingest” as much as possible and Dribbble is a great place to do just that. You get to see a wide variety of work from many different artists in a matter of moments. However, the community that Dribbble creates has the potential of damaging, or at least watering down, the profession. With a little modification, however, it could become a much better resource.

One thought on “The Problem with Dribbble Culture

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    Array ( ] => Array ( TEXT] => PREVIEW_TEXT] => => 2316 ID] => 2316 ID] => 6 IBLOCK_ID] => 6 SECTION_ID] => 277 IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => 277 => 8 способов экономии на упаковке при продаже товара в интернет-магазине NAME] => 8 способов экономии на упаковке при продаже товара в интернет-магазине FROM_X] => 2022-11-19 13:32:00 ACTIVE_FROM_X] => 2022-11-19 13:32:00 FROM] => 19
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    2022 13:32:00 X] => 16
    2023 12:51:46 TIMESTAMP_X] => 16
    2023 12:51:46 PAGE_URL] => /articles/marketpleysy/8-sposobov-ekonomii-na-upakovk/ DETAIL_PAGE_URL] => /articles/marketpleysy/8-sposobov-ekonomii-na-upakovk/ PAGE_URL] => /articles/ LIST_PAGE_URL] => /articles/ TEXT] =>

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